By Katherine Huether eHow Contributing Writer
A sanisette in France
Watch out if you need to use the restroom in Paris. The city has declared war on public urination and set up an elite, 88-member force, the Brigade des Incivilités, or Bad Behavior Brigade to ticket anyone foolish enough to do what the French call urine sauvage, which translates to "wild urine."
According to the "Wall Street Journal," France's capital is struggling with the presence of pipi and the paper reports that urine is hard to escape in certain parts of the city, be it on the street, in the Metro or in parks.
Similarly, New York City is battling its own public urination problem but offers only 47 free public restrooms, according to Meanwhile, Paris offers some 400 free public restrooms scattered throughout the city, the "Wall Street Journal" reports.
So what do you do if you're in Paris, you need to use the restroom… read more, seriously
1 comment:
I'm never going to france again
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