
How2 'out-text' Your Teenager.

updated: 1-4-09

'do u txt?' Almost all teens do and can use a cell Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingphone’s keypad to send messages at an incredible speed. Text messaging is one of those things that until you do it, it is hard to see the value. Perhaps it’s time that you gave it a shot.

Quick messages:

Text messages can contain up to 160 characters and spaces. Most people use text messages to get a short message to someone quickly. Late to meet a friend? Don’t have time to place a call? Send a text. Text messages are also handy if your calling plan has limited minutes

Of course, text messages are also more discreet than a phone call. You don’t need to worry about someone overhearing you.

The cost

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingCell phone plans often include a limited number of text messages. That includes both incoming and outgoing messages. You’ll be charged if you exceed the limit. Expect to pay about 10 cents per message.

Parents of teenagers know how quickly text messaging charges add up. It makes sense to buy additional text messages up front. For a few dollars a month, you can add 500 or more messages. If possible, spring for unlimited text messages.

The cost of text messaging can also be physical. Using a phone’s small keypad can take its toll on your thumbs.

Text messaging from a computer

Fortunately, you don’t need to fumble over your cell phone’s keypad to send text messages. You can send them using your computer. This is easier on your thumbs. Also, you don’t need to pay to send the message. However, the recipient will probably be charged. Send the message in plain text format.

You can send messages directly from your e-mail account. Enter the recipient’s 10-digit phone number, followed by the carrier’s domain name:

AT&T: 1234567890@txt.att.net
Verizon: 1234567890@vtext.com  ( 1234567890@vzwpix.com  for MMS)
T-Mobile: 1234567890@tmomail.net  (SMS and MMS)
Sprint Nextel: 1234567890@messaging.sprintpcs.com  (1234567890@pm.sprint.com  for MMS)  Also Nextel: 1234567890@messaging.nextel.com
Alltel: 1234567890@message.alltel.com 

[see the comment link [first] below for a complete list]

Simply replace “1234567890” with the correct phone number. Don’t insert hyphens.

You can also send text messages from some carriers’ Web sites. You enter the message in a form, along with the recipient’s number.*

Other ways to send text messages

The Google Toolbar for Firefox and IE includes Send To Phone. It's designed to send Web page text to a phone. But here’s a little known trick: Highlight some text on a Web page. Click the Send To Phone button. In the form that pops up, erase the text and enter your own message.

There’s also SMSEverywhere.com. You can send your text message via a form on the site.

Instant Messaging
  1. Some instant messaging services, like AIM, allow you to send instant messages to a cell phone. On AIM, all you need to do is add +1 and then the number in the recipient's name box.
  2. The built in chat in gmail allows text messaging. To use it, click the button settings, then the labs tab, scroll down to "Text Messaging (SMS) in Chat" and click Enable. Then scroll down to the bottom and press save changes. Now, open up a chat window from the chat box. Click the options button on the bottom left and press Send SMS. It will prompt you for a phone number. Currently, this only works for US phones.
Free Online Services
  1. Find a website which allows you to send text messages free of charge. This method does not require any setup or downloading on your part, although it may require registration. Examples:
    • CardBoardFish SMS (UK only)[2]
    • IndyaRocks (India only)[3]
    • Send2World. (US, Canada, Taiwan) [4]
    • OnlineTextMessaging (US and some Europe) [5]
    • ForeverSMS (US only) [6]
    • Yakedi (AU and NZ only) [7]
BOnus Feature! Search by text

Most people don’t know that you can search the Web via text messaging. Simply send a text message with your query.

For example, “pizza 90210” returns pizza restaurants in that ZIP code. You can also find weather forecasts, flight information and driving directions. Or you can perform calculations and currency conversions

The three major search sites let you get search results via text messaging.

  • For Google, text your query to 466453.
  • Yahoo!’s number is 92466.
  • Windows Live’s is 95483.

These numbers can be difficult to remember. So add them to your phone’s contact list for quick access.

*If you don’t know the recipient’s cellular provider, there is still hope for users of Firefox. You can use the Firefox add-on Watacrackaz AutoSMS

source http://www.komando.com/  & WikiHow

re-posted from 5-7-2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alltel - [10-digit phone number]@message.alltel.com
AT&T (formerly Cingular) - [10-digit phone number]@txt.att.net or [10-digit phone number]@mms.att.net (MMS) or [10-digit phone number]@cingularme.com
Boost Mobile - [10-digit phone number]@myboostmobile.com
Nextel (now Sprint Nextel) - [10-digit telephone number]@messaging.nextel.com
Sprint PCS (now Sprint Nextel) - [10-digit phone number]@messaging.sprintpcs.com or [10-digit phone number]@pm.sprint.com (MMS)
T-Mobile - [10-digit phone number]@tmomail.net
US Cellular - [10-digit phone number]email.uscc.net (SMS) or [10-digit phone number]@mms.uscc.net (MMS)
Verizon - [10-digit phone number]@vtext.com or [10-digit phone number]@vzwpix.com (MMS)
Virgin Mobile USA - [10-digit phone number]@vmobl.com
7-11 Speakout (USA GSM) number@cingularme.com
Airtel Wireless (Montana, USA) number@sms.airtelmontana.com
Alaska Communications Systems number@msg.acsalaska.com
Bell Mobility & Solo Mobile (Canada) number@txt.bell.ca
Fido (Canada) number@fido.ca
Illinois Valley Cellular number@ivctext.com
Koodo Mobile (Canada) number@msg.koodomobile.com
Longlines (USA-Midwest) 1+number@mms.longlines.com
MTS (Canada) number@text.mtsmobility.com
Nextel (United States) number@messaging.nextel.com
President’s Choice (Canada) number@txt.bell.ca
Rogers (Canada) number@pcs.rogers.com
Sasktel (Canada) number@sms.sasktel.com
Telus Mobility (Canada) number@msg.telus.com
Virgin Mobile (Canada) number@vmobile.ca
MobiPCS (Hawaii only) number@mobipcs.net
MetroPCS number@mymetropcs.com
Qwest number@qwestmp.com
Cellular One (Dobson) number@mobile.celloneusa.com
AT&T Enterprise Paging number@page.att.net
Cingular (Postpaid) number@cingularme.com
Helio number@myhelio.com
Centennial (USA) number@cwemail.com