
How2 Speed Up Internet Explorer:

Try these tips and tricks to make Internet Explorer faster for Web browsing and downloads.

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From Tiplet Newsletter: 2-23-09

1-21-2015 UPDATE: Still using Firefox (from the 2010 Update) and on its worst day its more reliable and faster than IE on it best day. Best tip EVER! Make the switch.

3-29-10 UPDATE:

I recently was having so much trouble with IE8 that I switched over to Mozella Firefox about three weeks ago and have had no problems. Kelly and her

mother have used it for years.  Microsoft kept giving me instructions for fixing the problem but whenever one would work it would only do so for a few days and then it went back to crashing and freezing everyday. They kept trying to blame it on the third-party ‘plug-ins’ and ‘add ons’ but all the add-ons are promoted on their website! Got to be too much, I’m glad I made the switch, which was easy. Firefox is laid out different but once I got used to the change I don’t miss IE8 at all. If the ‘tips’ link above doesn’t solve your problems consider downloading a free full version of Firefox.     GlennDL

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